Said Sakkaoui
Meet the team: Said
In our Meet the Team special, we want to show you who is behind the brand of Fieldpiece EMEA. Every month, we will highlight one of our Fieldpiece members for you to get to know better.

Competitive, ambitious, driven, and enthusiastic: four words that describe Said Sakkaoui best. Our Regional Sales Manager France is all about the challenge and strives to be beyond successful in everything he does. And that, he is.
The challenge is why the position at Fieldpiece spoke to him. “The vision of Fieldpiece is what makes the brand stand out,” Said explains, “the way each sales manager adapts the vision to their region to get the Fieldpiece message across to help every technician is inspiring,” he adds. Not only would he be working for a passionate and dedicated team, but he would also be part of something bigger, something meaningful with this job at Fieldpiece Instruments. Building something from the ground up, forming and maintaining relationships, and watching a company in his region—his ‘baby’, as Said likes to call it— is what drives him every day.
But behind this ambitious man, we know Said as someone who values relationships, quality time, and giving back to the community. The thing that drives and motivates Said to be better every day is his family; family time is the most important thing in the world to him. When he came to Fieldpiece, the team immediately felt like a family to him. “My favorite memory so far is the first get-together,” Said starts, “after three weeks, I got to meet the entire European team in real life and it felt like I had known them for years. We had a lot of fun, worked hard, and had the opportunity to learn about each other. That’s something I really loved right away,” he explains.
Fun, ambition, drive, and opportunity are all words that come to mind when talking about what Said was looking for in a job. At Fieldpiece, Said found all of that, and more: innovative products are also very important to him. “My top three favorite products are the MR45 Recovery Machine, the vacuum pumps, and our SR47 Refrigerant Scale,” Said explains, “to me, those products solve problems that HVACR technicians experience innovatively.”
At Fieldpiece, we are thankful to have such a driven person on our team. With Said’s commitment and determination, we have been able to connect with so many HVACR technicians in France with hopefully, many more to come. We cannot wait to see what Said will bring us in the future!