Regional Sales Manager EMEA - DACH

Ludwig Sedlmayr

Meet our Regional Sales Manager EMEA - DACH, Ludwig Sedlmayr, covering the south region of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. Ludwig transitioned from Purchasing Manager to Sales Management in 2010, gaining valuable experience with a tool manufacturer. He prioritizes enhancing the customer experience by collaborating closely with distributors to solve problems, streamline workflows, and provide thorough product training. Excited to be part of Fieldpiece, Ludwig is here to help as the go-to contact for all your HVACR needs.

Read more about Ludwig here:
Works as:

Regional Sales Manager EMEA - DACH, based in South Germany. Ludwig joined Fieldpiece in June 2023 and travels to South Germany, Austria, and Switzerland for his work.

With a background in:

Sales in tool manufacturers. Working with distributors and getting in touch with end users are the most exciting parts of the job to him.

Passionate about:

Positivity, looking on the bright side, the Fieldpiece Recovery Machine, being in nature, hikes, laughter, mountain bike rides, and skiing in winter.


Being stuck in traffic.

Would love to:

Show every single technician the benefits of Fieldpiece products. And also, learn how to bake, for unknown reasons, Ludwig finds himself unable to bake yummy goods.

Wants you to know:

Every problem has a solution, we just have to find it.

Contact here:
Group Picture 2023