Marketing Manager EMEA

Lisa Egberts

Meet our Marketing Manager EMEA, Lisa Egberts. Lisa came to Fieldpiece with 11 years of experience in communication and marketing, Lisa finds the role of marketing manager particularly appealing due to its diverse nature. Lisa is responsible for overseeing all aspects of marketing, for Fieldpiece Europe. She finds the strong philosophy behind Fieldpiece incredibly helpful and is thrilled to have the opportunity to build the brand as Marketing Manager EMEA.

Read more about Lisa here:
Works as:

Marketing Manager EMEA, based in the Netherlands. Since May 2022, Lisa has been a part of the Fieldpiece team. She is responsible for all parts of the EMEA marketing, from advertising, to stand designs and the timing of launching products. A diverse and busy job with never a dull moment.

With a background in:

Marketing. Lisa has been working as a marketer for 12 years. She studied Tourism because she was interested in other cultures and languages and wanted to travel the world, but quickly realized that working in marketing for an international organization can also give you the chance to do that. With the international character of Fieldpiece, this was a perfect fit.

Passionate about:

Sports, spending time with family and friends, travelling and going to concerts and music festivals.


Onions and mushrooms.

Would love to:

Eat in a fancy restaurant and sneak out without paying, but her morals will always hold her back.

Wants you to know:

She is always interested in how things work in the field and is always open to new ideas and suggestions.

Contact here:
Group Picture 2023