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Regional Sales Manager EMEA - DACH

Jens Wichmann

Meet our Regional Sales Manager EMEA - DACH, Jens Wichmann. Since May 2023, Jens has brought 27 years of sales experience to the Fieldpiece team. Impressed by Fieldpiece's product quality, Jens is proud to be part of the family, dedicated to nurturing customer relationships and providing round-the-clock support. He looks forward to meeting everyone in the HVACR industry.

Read more about Jens here:
Works as:

Regional Sales Manager EMEA - DACH, based right in the middle of Germany. He's been with the Fieldpiece team since May 2023. His role involves handling sales of Fieldpiece products, building connections with distributors and customers, and staying in touch with clients across Central and Eastern Germany.

With a background in:

Construction of Heat Exchanger for Power Generation and Refrigeration Branches, as a Sales Engineer, Key Account Manager and Project Manager, with 27 years of experience in sales. Jens worked, among other things, for 4 years in the Emirates and 2 years in India and the USA. He sold projects and accompanied them until they were commissioned.

Passionate about:

Communication, building relationships with customers, listening, and knowing exactly what the customer needs. Besides that, he loves singing (especially at German Carnival), fly fishing and loves his Dachshund Trixi. You can often find Jens in the wilderness of nature, the one place where he can truly recharge his battery.



Would love to:

See every colleague on the team laughing and happy every day. It truly makes the job enjoyable for him.

Wants you to know:

Always aims to maintain honest and friendly communication with everyone, particularly with business partners, in a professional manner.

Contact here:
Group Picture 2023