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Aplicativo Job Link®
Quantos dispositivos podem ser conectados a uma ferramenta?
Não há limite para o número de dispositivos que podem se conectar sem fio às nossas ferramentas compatíveis com JobLink®.
Posso salvar meu relatório de medição na nuvem?
Sim, com o JobLink® PRO você pode salvar seus relatórios de medição na nuvem.
Posso adicionar notas aos meus relatórios de medição?
Sim, você pode adicionar notas personalizadas de forma rápida e fácil ao relatório de medição JobLink®.
Posso atualizar uma ferramenta JobLink®?
Sim, quando sua ferramenta JobLink® requer uma atualização, o aplicativo irá guiá-lo através do processo de atualização.
Quantas ferramentas posso ver de uma só vez?
Amperímetro, SC480/SC680
1 de cada vez......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Manômetro, JL3MN
8 de cada vez (4 em P1, 4 em P2)......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Psicrômetro, JL3RH
16 de cada vez (8 definidos para Return, 8 definidos para Supply)......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Sonda de pressão, JL3PR
8 de cada vez (4 definidas para Sucção, 4 definidas para Líquido)......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Braçadeira de temperatura, JL3PC/JL3LC
8 de cada vez (4 definidas para Sucção, 4 definidas para Líquido)......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Analisador, SM380V/SM480V
4 de cada vez......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Medidor de vácuo, MG44/SM380V/SM480V
1 de cada vez......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
1 de cada vez......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Posso enviar anexos para o meu relatório JobLink?
Sim, com a assinatura do JobLink® PRO você pode facilmente anexar documentos e imagens ao relatório de medição.
Posso medir o desempenho de um sistema?
Sim, você pode medir SEER e EER com o aplicativo JobLink®.
Posso ver o histórico do cliente e do equipamento no aplicativo JobLink®?
Sim, com a assinatura do JobLink® PRO você pode visualizar facilmente o histórico de clientes e equipes.
Posso criar um relatório de teste de vazamento/vácuo com o aplicativo JobLink®?
Sim, você pode facilmente gerar relatórios de medição e o resultado dos testes de vazamento/vácuo usando o aplicativo gratuito JobLink®.
Posso criar relatórios de trabalho e salvá-los por local?
Sim, com a assinatura do JobLink® PRO você pode criar, classificar e salvar trabalhos por localização.
Qual é a diferença entre a versão gratuita do aplicativo JobLink® e a assinatura do JobLink® PRO?
JOB LINK® de graça
Após 60 dias de teste
medições ao vivo
cálculos avançados
Diagnóstico de sistemas
Relatórios de medição do sistema (e-mail e impressão)
Tudo incluído na versão gratuita do Joblink mais:
Relatórios de medição do sistema (e-mail e impressão)
Armazenamento na núvem
Listas de verificação de inspeção
Fotos e Notas
Histórico de clientes e equipamentos
Geração de equipes de trabalho
Visualização ao vivo
O download do aplicativo JobLink® é gratuito?
Sim, o download do aplicativo JobLink® é gratuito. Você tem uma avaliação de 60 dias do JobLink® PRO. Após 60 dias, você tem a opção de continuar com a assinatura do JobLink® PRO ou voltar para a versão gratuita.
Como faço para criar uma conta JobLink®?
Ao instalar o aplicativo JobLink®, você será guiado pelo processo de "criar uma conta".
Posso usar a função de registro de dados sem o JobLink®?
Sim, você também pode usar a função de registro de dados no analisador.
Quais ferramentas se conectam ao JobLink®?
O aplicativo JobLink® mostra valores de medição incorretos, o que devo fazer?
Se o seu aplicativo JobLink® apresentar valores incorretos, pode ser que você tenha uma ou mais ferramentas conectadas a um sistema e tenha que escolher a qual conectar. Verifique se você está conectado à ferramenta correta comparando o número de série da ferramenta com o listado no aplicativo JobLink®.
O aplicativo JobLink® não se conecta às minhas ferramentas, o que devo fazer?
1. Certifique-se de que as ferramentas às quais você está tentando se conectar estão dentro do alcance sem fio (300 metros) e ligadas.
2. Certifique-se de que o aplicativo JobLink® tenha permissão para serviços de localização por bluetooth e celular/tablet.
3. Clique em ""Ferramenta de link"" para abrir a lista de ferramentas disponíveis para se conectar.
4. Conecte-se à caixa correta, onde deseja que a ferramenta apareça
DR58EU - Heated Diode Refrigerant Leak Detector
Why is my leak detector alarming?
If no sensor is installed or the installed sensor is faulty when the unit is turned on, an alarm will sound and the unit will turn off.
What is the difference between automatic zero and manual zero?
Automatic zeroing on the instrument allows for convenient pinpointing of a refrigerant leak by setting a new 'zero-value' every 3-4 seconds. This is useful when a large concentration of refrigerant is being detected in a contained area. Manual zeroing puts the control of the zero function in your hands, you can simply press the zero button on the tool at any time to set a new zero value. This is good for clarifying the leak source once it has been identified.
How do I use low/medium/high?
Set the sensitivity level by pressing the Sensitivity button. Low (L), medium (M), or high (H) sensitivity will be indicated at the top of the LCD display. The higher the concentration of refrigerant in the ambient air, the lower the sensitivity setting should be to minimize false trips.
What is the difference between the DR58 and DR82?
The DR58 uses a heated diode sensor. The heated diode’s advantage is that it detects absolute concentration levels so it can be held on a leak and will continue to beep. It is also initially very sensitive. Its disadvantage is that the sensor becomes less sensitive over life, eventually needing replacement.
The DR82 uses an infrared (IR) sensor. It detects a change in concentration, so the wand must keep moving. The advantage of the Fieldpiece IR sensor and its sensitivity is that it will last the lifetime of the instrument.
DR82EU - Infrared Refrigerant Leak Detector
What is the difference between the DR58 and DR82?
The DR58 uses a heated diode sensor. The heated diode’s advantage is that it detects absolute concentration levels so it can be held on a leak and will continue to beep. It is also initially very sensitive. Its disadvantage is that the sensor becomes less sensitive over life, eventually needing replacement.
The DR82 uses an infrared (IR) sensor. It detects a change in concentration, so the wand must keep moving. The advantage of the Fieldpiece IR sensor and its sensitivity is that it will last the lifetime of the instrument.
What is the difference between automatic zero and manual zero?
Automatic zeroing on the instrument allows for convenient pinpointing of a refrigerant leak by setting a new 'zero-value' every 3-4 seconds. This is useful when a large concentration of refrigerant is being detected in a contained area. Manual zeroing puts the control of the zero function in your hands, you can simply press the zero button on the tool at any time to set a new zero value. This is good for clarifying the leak source once it has been identified.
How do I use low/medium/high/turbo?
Set the sensitivity level by pressing the Sensitivity button. Low (L), medium (M), or high (H) sensitivity will be indicated at the top of the LCD display. The higher the concentration of refrigerant in the ambient air, the lower the sensitivity setting should be to minimize false trips. The TURBO (T) function is an additional 4th sensitivity that pushes the DR82 to it highest possible sensitivity.
How do I replace the sensor?
The DR82 does not require a replacement sensor, it will last the lifetime of the instrument.
How long does the sensor last?
The DR82 sensor will last the lifetime of the instrument.
JL3PCINT - Job Link® System Premium Pipe Clamp Probe
What pipe size can the clamp go up to?
It goes from 1/4" - 1 3/8".
Why am I not getting a superheat or subcooling measurement?
There are three possibilities: ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
1. No pressure probe connected. ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
2. No pipe clamp connected. ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
3. No refrigerant selected.
Why does it show open when pipe clamp is closed?
When the pipe clamp shows open or the orange LED is blinking the pipe that the clamp is on may need to be cleaned. Remove the clamp and use the Emory cloth provided to clean the pipe and put clamp back on.
What is the wireless range?
300 meters line of sight.
Minha ferramenta pode se conectar sem fio ao analisador?
Sim, você pode conectar sua ferramenta ao manifold.
JL3LC - Job Link® System Large Pipe Clamp
What pipe size can the clamp go up to?
It goes from 3/4" - 4 1/8".
Why does it show open when pipe clamp is closed?
When the pipe clamp shows open or the orange LED is blinking the pipe that the clamp is on may need to be cleaned. Remove the clamp and use the Emory cloth provided to clean the pipe and put clamp back on.
Why am I not getting a superheat or subcooling measurement?
There are three possibilities: ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
1. No pressure probe connected. ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
2. No pipe clamp connected. ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
3. No refrigerant selected.
What is the wireless range?
300 meters line of sight.
Minha ferramenta pode se conectar sem fio ao analisador?
Sim, você pode conectar sua ferramenta ao manifold.
JL3PRINT - Job Link® System Pressure Probe
What is the measurement range?
29" HgV to 580 psig (40 bar).
How can I "zero" my pressure probe?
The Fieldpiece JL3PR pressure probe sensor automatically calibrates to barometric pressure, so it is accurate at any elevation. There is no need to manually Zero the tool.
What size fitting is on the pressure probe?
The Connector Type is Standard 1/4" SAE ( 45° angled).
Why am I not getting a superheat or subcooling measurement?
There are three possibilities: ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
1. No pressure probe connected. ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
2. No pipe clamp connected. ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
3. No refrigerant selected.
What is the wireless range?
300 meters line of sight.
Minha ferramenta pode se conectar sem fio ao analisador?
Sim, você pode conectar sua ferramenta ao manifold.
JL3RHINT - Job Link® System Flex Psychrometer Probe®
How many systems can I see at the same time?
You can see up to 8 different systems on the same screen in the JobLink app. However you can meassure more than 8 by connecting the probes you will be using, and pushing the blue serial number next to the probe you would like to switch out and selecting the probe you would like to see.
What measurements are taken with the Fieldpiece JL3RH?
The JL3RH can measure the following: ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
- Dry bulb ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
- Wet bulb ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
- %RH ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
- Dew point ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
- Enthalpy ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
What is the wireless range?
300 meters line of sight.
Minha ferramenta pode se conectar sem fio ao analisador?
Sim, você pode conectar sua ferramenta ao manifold.
SM380VINT/SM480VINT - SMAN Refrigerant Manifold l Wireless
What other fieldpiece wireless products connect wirelessly to the manifold?
The SM480 and SM380 are compatible and can connect wirelessly to the following:
- JL3RH Psychrometer ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
- JL3PC Pipe Clamp ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
- JL3LC Large Pipe Clamp ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
- SRS3 Weighing Scales ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
- MG44 Vacuum Gauge ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
How do I clean my manifold?
Cleaning the Sensors in the manifold over time is required, the pressure sensors inside the manifold may become contaminated with dirt, oil, and other contaminants in normal operational use. To do so, please follow the guide below: ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
1. Never use an object such as a cotton swab to clean the sensor, you may cause damage to the sensor. ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
2. Open all valves and cap all the ports except for the VAC port on the SM480, or the central port on the SM380. ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
3. Drop enough Isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol into the VAC/middle port using an eye dropper or funnel so that it can flush out contaminants. ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
4. Cap VAC/middle port and gently shake your Manifold upside down to clean sensor.
Can I use the SM380/SM480 with A2L and A3 refrigerants?
The manifold has a list of over 70 common refrigerants used in refrigeration and air conditioning, and this includes A2L and A3 refrigerants. For the full list of refrigerants visit the product page.
Why does my vacuum pressure jump up when I turn off my vacuum pump?
The moisture inside the system is still boiling off and is no longer being taken out or compensated for by the vacuum pump.
There could be oil that is holding moisture inside either the hose leading to the manifold or inside the block of the manifold.
Why does my vacuum pressure jump up when I close my high side & low side?
You have isolated the micron gauge from the system, you are now only reading what is inside your manifold and the hose connected to vacuum pump.
What is the operating pressure range?
29" HgV to 800 psig/ 55 bar. 1-10.000 microns.
Why does my superheat/subcooling read -o/l?
You may have a negative degree of superheat or subcooling. To check this see below: ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
1. Plug in thermocouple into LLT port and change refrigerant to R113 to check to see if the manifold calculates subcooling. ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
2. Plug in thermocouple into LLT port and change refrigerant to R407F to check to see if the manifold calculates superheat.
Why is my vacuum pressure inaccurate?
Vacuum pressure being inaccurate is a sign of oil holding moisture either inside the block of the manifold or in the hoses. The oil in your vacuum pump may also need to be changed.
Clean sensor periodically with rubbing alcohol.
Why does it say "NSG" in the "THS - TargetSuperHeat" box?
It stands for “no signal” (NSG).
How to perform advance pressure calibration?
Advanced Calibration: ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
1. Plug in thermocouple into SLT port. ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
2. Calibrate Thermocouple to Ice water 0°C. ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
3. Tape thermocouple to side of refrigerant tank that has been sitting at a constant temperature for 24-48 hours. ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
4. Put a brass cap on SLT and another one on LLT and open up both valves. ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
5. Hook up refrigerant tank to manifold and open the tank. (Ensure that the Vac valve is closed on manifold before opening refrigerant tank. 4 port manifold only.) ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
6. Open refrigerant tank. ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
7. Select the type of refrigerant being used for this on the manifold. ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
8. Open up the Ref port on manifold (4 port manifold only). Both high and low pressures should read the same. ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
9. Press “Test Cal” button. Both pressure sensors should read “GOOD”."
What is the wireless range?
300 meters line of sight.
MG44INT - Wireless Vacuum Gauge
Can I connect the MG44 to the SMAN digital manifold?
Yes, the MG44 connects to our SM380/SM480. SM380/SM480 prior to production as of June 1, 2021 will require a firmware update in order to connect the MG44. The firmware update instructions are available on the Fieldpiece website, go to https://www.fieldpiece.com/download-software-firmware-updates/. Production after June 1, 2021 will include the newest firmware and does not require an update.
How can I read the measurements on the MG44?
There are three ways to view the measurements. ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
1. On the LCD screen on the tool itself ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
2. Wirelessly connected to the JobLink® application ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
3. Wirelessly connected to the SMAN480/SMAN380 manifold ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Why is my vacuum pressure inaccurate?
Vacuum pressure being inaccurate is a sign of oil holding moisture either inside the sensor compartment or in the hose that the MG44 is connected to. The oil in your vacuum pump may also need to be changed.
Clean sensor periodically with rubbing alcohol.
How to clean/maintain my MG44?
Clean the sensor of the MG44 with rubbing alcohol. Do not stick anything into the sensor. Doing so will damage the sensor. Check the user manual for details.
Where is the best location to put the MG44 for most accurate vacuum pressure reading?
Ideally it is best to connect the MG44 to the furthest point in the system (away from the vacuum pump).
Why will my MG44 show vacuum pressure when directly hooked up to pump but not when I am pulling on a system?
Evacuation takes time. You are pulling a vacuum in a larger volume (Refigeration system/AC system + vacuum pump) compared to just a vacuum pump. Check that there are no leaks in your hoses, change the oil of the vacuum pump, and perform a triple evacuation if there is an indication of a lot of moisture in the system.
How do I check if my MG44 is leaking or not?
Connect MG44 to empty recovery tank and using a vacuum pump pull down to 500 microns and isolate the pump from recovery tank. Microns should rise slowly and stabilize and not immediately rise.
Why does my vacuum pressure jump up when I turn off my vacuum pump?
The moisture inside the system is still boiling off and is no longer being taken out or compensated for by the vacuum pump. Allow sufficient time (this will depend on the volume of the system) for stabilization.
Why does my MG44 read – – – – ?
The MG44 has a measuring range between 50-25,000 microns. Anything outside of that range will show the 4 dashes – – – -. The bar graph will show a wider range from deep vacuum up to atmosphere.
What is the wireless range?
300 meters line of sight.
What is the maximum overpressure on the MG44?
The maximum overpressure for the MG44 is 60 bar (870psig)
Minha ferramenta pode se conectar sem fio ao analisador?
Sim, você pode conectar sua ferramenta ao manifold.
MR45INT/MR45UK - Digital Recovery Machine
Is the MR45INT/MR45UK dual voltage?
The MR45INT is 230v only, however we do sell the MR45UK which is 110v only.
How do I clean my recovery machine?
1. Wipe with damp cloth to clean the exterior. Do not use solvents.
2. When the mesh screen filter becomes dirty and clogged, it means it’s keeping your MR45INT/MR45UK working well and protected from contaminants entering the machine and causing damage. You need to clean or replace this screen often.
What is the high pressure cut-out set to?
The High pressure cut out is set to 550 psi / 38 bar.
Do I need to use a filter drier?
We recommend to use a filter drier on the input port and change it often to protect the MR45INT/MR45UK from contaminated refrigerants.
Is the MR45INT/MR45UK A3 approved?
No, the MR45INT/MR45UK is not certified for A3 refrigerants, therefore it cannot be used with any combustible refrigerants.
Is the MR45INT/MR45UK A2L approved?
Yes, the MR45INT/MR45UK is A2L ready and can be used with refrigerants such as R32, R1234ZE and R1234YF.
What is the over pressure protection on the recovery machine?
The High-pressure cut off switch activates at 38 bar (550 psig).
VP67 / VP87 / VPX7 - Vacuum Pump
What's the difference between the VP67 / VP87 / VPX7?
VP67INT: 6 CFM 170 l/min - 13,15 kg - AC motor - Dual voltage ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... VP87INT: 8 CFM 225 l/min - 12,25 kg - DC motor - 110V or 230V ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... VPX7INT: 10 CFM 280 l/min - 10,9 kg - DC motor with EPO coating** - 110V or 230V
Why is there vapor coming out of the pump?
It is normal for the pump to emit vapor when pumping on a chamber from atmosphere. Since all the air that is removed from the chamber by the pump moves through the oil in the oil reservoir, some of that oil is vaporized when a lot of air is moving through it. When the pressure in the chamber is reduced to a few hundred torr, the oil vapor will be reduced.
How often do I need to change the oil?
We recommend to empty or replace oil at the end of every usage. Don’t leave old oil in the machine. Store the pump and oil in dry clean areas for longest life. The oil can lose its sealing properties if left uncovered. Keep the oil sealed until it’s ready for use.
Do I have to use fieldpiece oil?
No, you can use any manufacturer's vacuum pump oil, however fieldpiece oil is optimized for our vacuum pumps and has a specific viscosity for maximum performance.
Why is my oil cloudy?
Excessive moisture is present in the oil indicating that the oil needs to be replaced.
How do I know that my vacuum pump can pull down sufficiently?
Perform this test to ensure the vacuum pump and your micron gauge are working properly. ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
1. Connect your vacuum gauge directly to a port on the vacuum pump. ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
2. Seal the 3 other ports. ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
3. Ensure the gas ballast is closed. ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
4. Turn on the vacuum pump to create a vacuum at your gauge. ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
If your gauge measures below 200 microns within 1 minute, you know the vacuum pump and your micron gauge are working correctly. If your gauge does not reach 200 microns, there is a problem with your gauge, the vacuum pump, or both.
What are the sizes of the ports?
The port sizes from left to right are 1/4”, 1/2”, 3/8”, 3/8“.
What is the gas ballast and when do I use it?
A gas ballast valve will allow a flow of air into the final part of the compression cycle and allow the vapor to be expelled without condensation or affecting the pump's overall performance. Using the gas ballast valve on the initial pull down helps the pump run smoothly and keeps the oil in good condition.
Can the vacuum pump pull a vacuum for A3/NH3 refrigerant systems?
The vacuum pumps are certified for A2L refrigerant systems. We do not certify the pump against A3 systems, or systems with NH3 - however, as long as the systems are completely void of refrigerant before evacuation, it can be used on those systems.
Does the Vacuum pump have an anti-suck back oil system?
Yes, The Fieldpiece Vacuum Pumps features a non-mechanical ‘anti-oil suck back’ system which when the machine loses power, will ensure that the oil in the vacuum pump does not migrate into the system or the hose lines.
We achieve this by having an ‘open-air’ valve that is sealed when the machine is running, but then slowly opens up to atmospheric pressure when the machine loses power or is switched off.
The issue we solve with this feature is the oil-suck back issue which can be very damaging and time consuming to the system should this happen.
SC260 - 400A Clamp Meter Compact
Is the SC260 a wireless tool?
No, the SC260 is not a wireless tool. However the SC480 and SC680 are wireless tools.
What is true-RMS
A true-RMS meter can accurately measure those imperfect, nonsinusoidal waves, as well as perfect, sinusoidal waves. “RMS” stands for root-mean-square, which is a calculation used to determine the equivalent DC value of an AC waveform. True RMS measurements are important to ensure that you can test variable frequency drives more accurately.
What is NCV?
NCV is an abbreviation for Non-Contact Voltage. Use NCV to check for 24VAC up to 600VAC. Always test on a known live source before using.
My meter shows "dISC", what does this mean?
If dISC is displayed, the capacitor is not discharged completely.
Does it have a fuse I can change?
No, our meters do not use a fuse you can change. They use a PTC-fuse (positive temperature coefficient) as it is faster and safer for the technician.
SC480INT - 600A Clamp Meter Dual Display | Power
What is the wireless range?
300 meters line of sight.
What is true-RMS
A true-RMS meter can accurately measure those imperfect, nonsinusoidal waves, as well as perfect, sinusoidal waves. “RMS” stands for root-mean-square, which is a calculation used to determine the equivalent DC value of an AC waveform. True RMS measurements are important to ensure that you can test variable frequency drives more accurately.
Does it have a fuse I can change
No, our meters do not use a fuse you can change. They use a PTC-fuse (positive temperature coefficient) as it is faster and safer for the technician.
SC680INT - 600 AC/DC Swivel Clamp Meter Dual Display l Power l LPF
What is the wireless range?
300 meters line of sight.
What is true-RMS?
A true-RMS meter can accurately measure those imperfect, nonsinusoidal waves, as well as perfect, sinusoidal waves. “RMS” stands for root-mean-square, which is a calculation used to determine the equivalent DC value of an AC waveform. True RMS measurements are important to ensure that you can test variable frequency drives more accurately.
Can I use the min/max to determine my inrush current?
No, the min/max button is not the same as inrush as it does not capture readings fast enough. For inrush current please use the 'inrush button' on the side of the instrument near the clamp meter head.
Does it have a fuse I can change?
No, our meters do not use a fuse you can change. They use a PTC-fuse (positive temperature coefficient) as it is faster and safer for the technician.
SRS3/SR47INT - Refrigerant Scale 114 kg Capacity l Wireless
Is the SRS3/SR47INT EC-tye approved?
The regular SRS3/SR47INT is not EC-type approved, however we do have the SRS3EC which is EC-type approved.
What is the wireless range?
300 meters line of sight.
Can I sync a second remote to my SRS3/SR47INT?
Yes, you can sync two SRS3/SR47INT remote displays to a single SRS3/SR47INT platform if desired. ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
1. Press SYNC for 1 second. ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
2. The ID# of a detected platform will show. (This ID# is printed on the platform.) ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
3. Tap SYNC to cycle through any other platforms detected. ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
4. Press SYNC for 1 second to select a platform.
What happens if I lose my remote?
If you lose the SRS3/SR47INT remote, please reach out to the Fieldpiece Distributor you purchased the product from, or fill out our form on the support page. https://fieldpiece-europe.com/support
Please note that the SRS3/SR47INT measurement values can still be seen on the JobLink® mobile application, as well as directly on the SM480 or SM380 manifold screen.
Minha ferramenta pode se conectar sem fio ao analisador?
Sim, você pode conectar sua ferramenta ao manifold.
SRS3EC - Refrigerant Scale EC 100 kg Capacity l Wireless
Can I sync a second remote to my SRS3EC?
No, in order to comply to the EC regulations, it is mandatory that the scale must only communicate with one remote at any one time.
What happens if I lose my remote?
If you lose the SRS3EC remote, please reach out to the Fieldpiece Distributor you purchased the product from, or fill out our form on the support page. https://fieldpiece-europe.com/support
Please note that the SRS3EC measurement values can still be seen on the JobLink® mobile application, as well as directly on the SM480 or SM380 manifold screen.
What is the wireless range?
300 meters line of sight.
Minha ferramenta pode se conectar sem fio ao analisador?
Sim, você pode conectar sua ferramenta ao manifold.
SDMN5 - Manometer Dual Port
My SDMN5 won’t turn on anymore how do I get it to turn on?
Take out the battery hold the power button for 45 seconds and reinstall battery. If this does not work the first time try again. If it sill won’t turn on, check to see if you have a good battery or fill out our form on the support page. https://fieldpiece-europe.com/support
Is the SDMN5 wireless to JobLink®?
No, for wireless manometer readings to the JobLink® application, please see the JL3MN wireless manometer.
SCL2EUR - Carbon Dioxide Leak Detector
When should I replace the filter?
If it seems like your leak detector is no longer picking up leaks or is not as sensitive as it was when you first bought it, replace the filter.
How do I replace the sensor?
The SCL2 does not require a replacement sensor, it will last the lifetime of the instrument.
How do I use low/medium/high/turbo
Set the sensitivity level by pressing the L/M/H button. Low (L), medium (M), or high (H) sensitivity will be indicated by the respective LEDs. The higher the concentration of refrigerant in the ambient air, the lower the sensitivity setting should be to minimize false trips. The TURBO function is an additional 4th sensitivity that pushes the SRL2 to it highest possible sensitivity. This feature is activated by pressing the PEAK button four times in succession, and can only be activated while on the high(H) sensitivity level. The TURBO function is an additional 4th sensitivity that pushes the SCL2 to it highest possible sensitivity. This feature is activated by pressing the PEAK button four times in succession, and can only be activated while on the high(H) sensitivity level.