Zara Konstapel
Meet the team: Zara
In our Meet the Team special, we want to show you who is behind the brand of Fieldpiece EMEA. Every month, we will highlight one of our Fieldpiece members for you to get to know better.
‘Tis the season to be jolly and we have a jolly girl to talk about! Zara Konstapel is our Content Creator EMEA and has worked for Fieldpiece for a year and a half. She was introduced to the world of HVACR when she walked into the Fieldpiece Instruments EMEA office to ask for an internship and never left.
When asked about the favorite part of her job, there is no doubt. “It’s definitely the opportunity to use all of my creativity to create content for our audience and our organization. It’s fun to think about what our customers want to read about and to translate that to our written work”. For that reason, Zara’s perfect day at work would be crafting new, interesting, and appealing content—written or visual— while sipping on a cup of tea.
As mentioned before, Zara started her journey at Fieldpiece by asking for an internship as a chance to find out what she would like to do after her studies. Fieldpiece offered her the opportunity to learn what she likes to do and to develop herself both personally and professionally. But not coming from an HVACR background, what inspired her to come to Fieldpiece?
“For me, it was the enthusiasm of all the Fieldpiece team members that ignited a spark in me to come work for the organization,” Zara mentioned with a smile. The competitive, passionate, and determined nature of Fieldpiece is something Zara really aligned with from the start on a personal level. As a professional swimmer and student-athlete at the University of Missouri- St. Louis currently, those are some key values she looks for in every team she is a part of. Now, over a year later, Zara experiences the Fieldpiece team as a tight community where everybody can count on each other. “There is a true ‘team’ feeling and despite physical distances between each other, I have never been part of a team so close.”
To Zara, the Fieldpiece team is a unique bunch of different personalities and characters that work really well together. The differences between everyone makes everyone stand out and it allows us to learn from each other, which is something Zara really values. And as a team, we learn a lot from Zara as well. She is always there with a unique point of view or a creative solution. Out of the blue, she can come up with a great new idea of sharing our message which amazes us every time; the simplest messages she turns into stories you just want to keep on reading, and she designs new pages and images that are exactly what we were looking for. Most of the time though, we did not know that was what we were looking for, but luckily Zara always does.
We are beyond happy to have Zara on our team! With her creativity, her competitive nature and fun, easy-going way of being, she is a joy to have as a colleague. We thank her for everything she has done for us and cannot wait to see what she comes up with next!